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Topic: Time to Max Rom2 Chrs

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Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 17-Nov-07, 09:31:25
I am not sure about the exact time, but in 6 hrs I did get my chr to pretty decent level and a fist fully of money. I tried a Mage next. I found using the Kids map and using the Ogre exploit I was able to get him up very quickly. Mage gear cost more than warrior gear so that held me back. Was interesting doing this experiment. I don't have all the maps and I don't remember where the pots are on many of these maps. Your point Nova is well worth your argument. You can do alot in 6 hrs on Lith Sttle Maps.

Lord Atton
Author: Defiant (fireiceviper [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 14-Nov-07, 14:25:42
mages take way longer btw... unless you have 2 chars ... you could basicly giv youre mage full 100skills before getting any gear... and then just deliver some goods..
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 14-Nov-07, 00:31:09
Well...technically I said....

>>> Any half-way skilled player can start from scratch and have full maximum gear on a lith-style HAT in a manner of several hours (roughly 6 as a rule). And no, I'm not talking about using cheats, hacks, or anything of the kind. Using those things lowers the time to more like 2 hours <<<

And most of that time is spent getting the stat potions for your character (generally takes 2-3 hours to get enough of them to max your character). Then it takes about another 1-2 hours to collect enough gold and then buy sufficient shop gear (weapons and armor) plus potions, scrolls, etc so that you are ready to clear the horror quest maps. Then, the quest maps themselves take no more than another 1-2 hours to clear.

The result is that an intensive 6 hours (sometimes more like 8 hours if the map rotation does not work out just right) of play will yield a fighter at full maximum stats and in full quest gear on any lith-style HAT. The same goes for any HAT substantially similar to lith-style.
Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 13-Nov-07, 12:20:35
Nova said in one of his posts it takes an expert Rom2 player 6 hrs to max a chr. I would like to hear from some of you how long it takes you to max your chrs using any maps with normal stuff not hacks. Like +3 body armor. To test this I made a new chr. I am about 4 hrs into play and in another 2 hrs I will come close to max body and stats.

Lord Atton