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Topic: Help!!!

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Author: Kartemev (kartemev [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 24-Aug-07, 07:15:55
I'm sure there is a way by editing the registry somehow... But I'm to lazy to find out. =)
Author: Rage of Mages II (austinday [at] adelphia [dot] net)
Date: 22-Aug-07, 17:04:19
It does this for everyone (I guess its because our "new" computers, because the older the computer the slower the scroll speed. I fix it by making the resolution 1024x768, and that should kinda fix it, and if not you can always use the arrow keys
Author: Snekke (jfguffie [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 19-Aug-07, 17:54:22
Hello!! I have just installed my ROM2 on my XP, and it's working fine... But when I play the game, the scrool speed in the game is crazy.. As soon as I try to move a little, I end at the other end of the map... I have tried to change windows's speed, but it doesn't help...

Plz help!!!!