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Topic: Character Colors

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Author: Kartemev (kartemev [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 15-Aug-07, 07:39:55
thanks, this was bothering me for some time, although I don't remember how I figured out this was possible... I read the readme over and over again but it must have been somewhere else? pff it I would assume it is at "allods.net", but would take quite an effort to read all of that Russian.
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 11-Aug-07, 19:24:26
Yes it is possible. To change your character's color, simply edit your clan name so it has colon : followed by a number (from 0 to 15). The number designates the color you want as follows:

0 = very light blue
1 = light blue
2 = light green
3 = dark pink
4 = dark orange
5 = purple
6 = light orange
7 = light cyan
8 = gray
9 = dark blue
10 = dark green
11 = light red
12 = dark orange
13 = dark purple
14 = orange
15 = cyan

The color names I listed may not be what you call them, but that's what is written in my notes from 8 years ago.

Author: Kartemev (kartemev [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 09-Aug-07, 10:48:14
It is possible to change the color of your multiplayer character. You have to type in some command with the "Rename" button in the character selection screen in multiplayer. I do not remember the code and was wondering if someone could tell me how to do this. I have one mage who is a dark red color but I cannot figure out how to do it!