Topic: 有没有中国小伙伴
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Author: Ronnie|Slayer (magnetronnie [at] gmail [dot] com) | ||||
Date: 02-Aug-16, 08:53:18 | ||||
I guess it's spam. Back in the old days I always used ISO-8859-1 encoding for my websites and I guess that's where all the html encoded characters come from. I'll move this to "Website & bugs" so I can fix it some day :) | ||||
Author: (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com) | ||||
Date: 27-Jul-16, 12:31:57 | ||||
Something has gone the funny way here. Everything appears to be a sequence of 16-bit numbers. Could this be a case of Unicode gone wrong, where each &#xxxx; identifies a symbol or glyph? On the foxine assumption that I am right (and I am), given the low amount of symbols supposedly described (the very author's name appears to be just 2 symbols), I would infer that these are ideograms. Japanese? Or Chinese? Posting ideograms on an english forum will do the author no good, and the author has certainly noticed it. Yet he posted again a short time later. The author might be a bot, a spam-bot, and this might just be spam. Either it is a bot... or the author is a human being possibly even stupider than my soon to be son in law (and the thought kinda comforts me. Knowing that I did not pick the shortest straw is... oh God let it be true!!) My logic is flawless. Oh, and there is that "" domain in the author's e-mail. It points to something Chinese -- and that is another giveaway that this fox is soo Sherlock. -fox |
Author: 大唐 (329751018 [at] qq [dot] com) | ||||
Date: 25-Jul-16, 09:19:24 | ||||
不支持中文吗? | ||||
Author: 大唐 (329751018 [at] qq [dot] com) | ||||
Date: 25-Jul-16, 09:18:52 | ||||
给中国小伙伴留个签到的地方哈哈,没事去百度贴吧看看! 钓鱼岛是中国的。 |