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Topic: Character Editor

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Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 27-Jan-16, 14:17:00
Ronnie is happy to add useful ROM2 files, esp. if related to newer Winows versions and higher resolutions.
NOVA, just send them to Ronnie.
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 27-Jan-16, 01:39:00
Just sent Ronnie an email.
NOVA, can you make a list of all the useful files you think are worth having for all the rom2 die-hards?
Would be great :)
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 27-Jan-16, 01:26:28
Good idea NOVA.
Since I too have most of the files, if not all, I can help with it.
I'll email Ronnie about this.
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 23-Jan-16, 19:28:42
To be more clear on my last point....there are a LOT of useful files for ROM2 in addition to the character editor. Ronnie already has a few of them in the FILES page, but maybe he could be persuaded to host the rest of them as well and the remaining ROM2 community could submit what they have for possible inclusion in the archive.
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 23-Jan-16, 19:26:28
I have v2.09 of Exlend's character editor. I don't know if he made or released any revisions after that.

If you have a suggestion for the best way to archive that or to get it to you, let me know. Perhaps if Ronnie occasionally checks this site, he might be persuaded to host these files here. I'm betting what remains of the ROM2 community of old still has most of the files....they're just not archived into a single location as yet.
Author: Stone (Stone_FVS3 [at] live [dot] com)
Date: 19-Jan-16, 00:49:15
https://web.archive.org/web/20100108063313/http://allods.homeunix.org/files.php it seems like this is where it used to be hosted... but it was not archived...
There should probably be a dropbox that just has a dump of all the tools for this game. so when the old sites go away the files wont be lost
Author: Stone (Stone_FVS3 [at] live [dot] com)
Date: 19-Jan-16, 00:42:10
I picked up an item on my server... and now when I try to log in with my character my game immediately crashes. does anyone still have that character editor? I used to have it but I no longer have that PC