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Topic: Is there a way to use sight hack without using

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Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 05-Jul-07, 18:39:48
btw, if NOVA's site is down i can send you the sight hack.
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 05-Jul-07, 18:38:23
you have a lot of questions ;)
don't know if NOVA has his site still up but if he has just go there and you'll find all there is to know, including the sight hack.
about the resolution, the easy way is to add -1024 in the target box of your rom2 shortcut properties.
hope this helps
Author: Rage of Mages II (austinday [at] adelphia [dot] net)
Date: 04-Jul-07, 21:53:06
the Red Pigg Trainer. I usually use a mage and I set my skills as F5-F12 and sometimes my sight hack will mess up when I use one like F8 (Stone Wall).
Also I would like to have a good resolution which doesn't work on Red Pigg