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Topic: Sourth of Earth

Navigation: Forums \ Rage of Mages 2

Author: Deathwyrm (life_sucks_ass_bigtime [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 10-Apr-13, 14:57:17
So, I am playing through a female warrior, and I am doing the source of Earth quest (which is basically the source of magic).

So yeah, killed the bats, flipped the switch, killed the turtle, troll, succubus and dragon. Went south through the teleporter and I can't solve the riddle.

There is basically an I shape on the ground and the riddle says "make a wal at the sign, and another to connect the prime, then join them in the middle with a pillar to find an enigma of old". But yeah, pretty obvious what to do. I got a book of fire wall and stone wall at the beginning, but no combination of stuff is working to activate the north teleporter on the southern island ><.

Help would be appreciated :).