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Topic: New HAT

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Author: Rage of Mages II (austinday [at] adelphia [dot] net)
Date: 03-Jul-07, 01:45:37
I have put up my hat which I had up a long time ago. My question is how do I make it so everyone on the internet can join? I found my ip on the internet, and I put it in the files just like I used to. But it doesn't work. Right now I am using my local ip. And me and my brother are playing on it.
Also, how do I put a sight hack on my ROM2? I am using Red Pigg trainer right now, but when I use it I have a 640 resolution. How can I fix this?
When I try to put Horror to Easy on my ROM2Server file it says "File doesn't exist or is corrupted or something like that" ?