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Topic: Allods - life.

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Author: NEO_AG (allod007 [at] mail [dot] ru)
Date: 01-Jun-07, 19:31:52
I can halp u 2 start the game on allods.net.
If u still have questions, pm me on forum.allods.net (NEO_AG) or icq 55590049
Author: Zeratul (zeratul_madness [at] yahoo [dot] it)
Date: 19-May-07, 19:06:27
I can't speak russian, but with google translator I've got registered. But when I'm going to play on the server that you've said it doesn't work.
Author: Mars (afrikanto [at] bk [dot] ru)
Date: 18-May-07, 21:01:18
sorry for inglish. I am Russian :)
www.allods.net - hat(server) the best game Allods2
(Russian Hat)