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Topic: mercenary troops?

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Author: Kartemev (kartemev [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 09-Aug-07, 10:45:32
You have to use copy and paste, the map editor is very touchy, I myself have placed them in my map and made a template with all the "mercenary" units.
Author: Zeratul (zeratul_madness [at] yahoo [dot] it)
Date: 17-May-07, 14:47:52
no one knows why?
Author: Zeratul (zeratul_madness [at] yahoo [dot] it)
Date: 15-May-07, 12:30:45
in some multiplayer maps there are units who are different than the others because of their equipment, their face and other things. Are called Mercenary --- (--- is , for example, bowman,pleasant,knight).
How can I put them in a map?