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Topic: wow Nova

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Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 27-Apr-07, 20:06:43
Hehe...glad you like that. That's not a mistake btw....it's intentional. There is a way to get the bag, but I'm not tellin'.

Btw, all of the rest of the quest bags are gonna be the same way, so once you figure it out you'll be set.

Author: Jet (freehicks [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 27-Apr-07, 11:06:26
yeah was just on Ab6 finally figure out a way to beat the first group killed them then i couldnt kill the mage finnally figure out how to do that....but it get's better go to grab the bag and i get tele ported to the next shit whats with that dude we need to talk....