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Topic: my old patches

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Author: FireFly (fireflypower [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 16-Nov-09, 16:51:22
patch on allods2 is only for allods2 site and will not work here
Author: Wolfgang (wulfgang93 [at] yahoo [dot] de)
Date: 15-Nov-09, 19:26:17
Here you can find the last patch for Allods2 Game Client (online client)
Author: exc!ton (vladimir [dot] chebotarev [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 11-Nov-09, 21:15:40
Are you sure you are patching allods2.exe (russian, 1.07)?
Author: Stone (Stone_FVS3 [at] live [dot] com)
Date: 09-Nov-09, 07:30:30
I went to this link and i downloaded the patch for the item description too long fix. but it wont patch anything for some reason, it tells me that it cant do it. so some of the equipment in the game still makes it crash and i have to restart...
can i get some help on this subject?

Author: exc!ton (vladimir [dot] chebotarev [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 26-Jul-09, 18:57:39
I added them here: http://allods.homeunix.org/articles.php

Also, you can download exe-patcher now.