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Topic: GreenWorld Hat Server

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Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 18-Apr-08, 22:46:58
Players and interested parties,

I am currently limited to two IP's and I am using the second IP to run the Rom2 Hat Server. I am also using it to play on Star Wars Galaxies Emulation server called SWGEmu. (www.swgemu.com) I am in the process of making major changes to the Rom2 Server. Adding a new quad processor to the system and moving the Rom2 server to my 3.4Ghz Computer. However, the server for Rom2 will be down at times until I get these problems resolved.

Please rest assured GreenWorld will continue to offer Rom2 on a server to YOU the Gaming Community. I am also looking at a new Hamachi. In any case I know alot of you are not playing. If you find the server is down you can email me. If possible I will put it back up. Over the next few weeks the server will be up on a limited basis. Generally up during the day and maybe down in the evening PDT.

We will resolve these issues. So take care,

Lord Atton