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Topic: GreenWorld Hat back up

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Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 29-Mar-08, 02:25:18
Ahhhh...I see how you roll Simon. You only play on maps that YOU made.....hehe. j/k

Would be great to see you come back. Even better if you played NWN with us (since that's where I'm spending my time these days). Either way, good to occasionally hear from ya. Keep in touch.

Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmai [dot] com)
Date: 28-Mar-08, 22:07:22
I play Guild Wars (all chapters). I would pass by now and than but I'm too lazy to install extra connection software. But it would be great to play Midnight, Sareth, Repulsive once more! ;)
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 28-Mar-08, 00:11:11
I care.

But get your butt back on NWN. Justme and I are kicking some serious butt now. We've located the ruins of the Ancient City of Taer, completed a massive quest, and restored the ancient city to it's former glory. There are shops in this city that sell EPIC level gear (some items cost 30 million gold).

We've also killed all of the Drow Elf Matrons of each of the 8 clan houses (which was NOT easy) in the Drow city in the underdark. We then summoned a demon from the Abyss, kicked his ass, which opened a gateway into the Underworld. We're almost finished with the last element of the dragon Tanzantor's mega quest.

This World of Rhun module continues to impress the hell outta me. Sadly, I think Justme and I are nearing the end of it and will have nothing new to discover very soon.

So for everyone else out there....dump ROM2 and come play NWN. It totally rules !!!! And this World of Rhun module I'm hosting is f*&@ing awesome.

Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 27-Mar-08, 07:22:03
If any one cares !!!

Lord Atton