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Topic: Ahoy

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Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 06-Mar-08, 13:38:57
Yes my Hat is up. I am playing SWG and NWN 1 on Nova's Server. Send me your numeric account name and password. You will need Hamachi to play. Let me know if you want an account

Lord Atton
Author: Cowman8374 (spock [at] knology [dot] net)
Date: 05-Mar-08, 02:34:11
Yea Attons greenworld hat is up and running. Currently im not playing on it cause i have a lot of stuff going on and my current game im playing is Unreal Tournament:GOTY (a first person shooter). Good luck on the hat. You should maybe ask some of the vetrans for any tips if needed they have gotten very good =) See ya!!
Author: Sengir (sendot [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 04-Mar-08, 21:36:12
How yall been?

Any hats still running?

I'm kinda working on one right now but we'll see if I decide to launch it or not..