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Topic: NeverWinter Nights

Navigation: Forums \ Rage of Mages 2

Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 26-Feb-08, 07:07:25
I am posting this here because most of you never read the other part of the Forum. Nova and I are playing NWN 1. The original game. WE have been looking for a Rom2 type game. We may have found it. It is very interesting to play. It is much like Rom3 would be if Nival had gone ahead and made it. It is not free, but you can run a server that is, and you can make maps. There are a huge number 15,000 players playing it. If you want to know more talk to Nova or me. (see my post on the OTHER part of the Forum for NON Rom2 posts)

Lord Atton