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Topic: Rom2pak.zip

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Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 16-Feb-08, 03:36:56
Ok FYI for all you Rom2 players and future players. Those files can be had on Nova's server at
I should probably add them to my webpage http://Rom_greenworld.fortunecity.com

Lord Atton
Author: LadyE (ladyemagen [at] msn [dot] com)
Date: 14-Feb-08, 01:34:45
Never mind I found it
Author: LadyE (ladyemagen [at] msn [dot] com)
Date: 13-Feb-08, 23:41:26
Where can I get this? Monolith page doesn't come up.
Tried Google and didn't find anything that works. Fileplanet doesn't work either.