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Topic: GreenWorld Hat Update

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Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 13-Feb-08, 04:40:09
Think we are going to be ok. So far the hat is up and my other computer is back on line so all is good.

For any new players you need to down load the free Hamachi Program (check with Goggle.com) and Have the rom2pack.exe installed on Rom2. Open Hamachi icon on the bottom of the icon the second button over for new network enter GreenWorld and a password (all lower case) greenfire. If you want to test the server and Hat you can use the account name of 1234 and password of password.


Lord Atton
Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 12-Feb-08, 07:39:28
Rom2 players:

Looks like we were down for a time today. I think my computer over heated and needs more fans. It is ok as of 10:30pm Feb 11 th Monday. Sorry if you could not log on. Remember Sundays and Mondays are Band practice days so I am not here until the evening.
Take care,

Lord Atton