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Topic: GreenWorld Update

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Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 02-Feb-08, 08:27:42
Yes but we are on Hamachi you will need the basic version to run the GreenWorld Hat. The IP is However we are down for the moment. The power supply blew on the server computer. Now sure how long we will be down See next Post

Lord Atton
Author: weasy (jim [at] weasy [dot] net)
Date: 01-Feb-08, 22:08:38
So I went to your web page, whats the current ip we can connect or what ever it is.

Can you tell me what the most populated server is?
Author: weasy (jim [at] weasy [dot] net)
Date: 01-Feb-08, 22:08:13
So I went to your web page, whats the current ip we can connect or what ever it is.

Can you tell me what the most populated server is?
Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 27-Jan-08, 11:14:49
I will be changing maps this next week. I have not looked at Rom2 maps in a long time. I have been getting hintz from a few of you. I am going to add MedusaGarden and darkage to the line up. Make a few more changes. Add Abysmal maps on some new servers. Give you all more to play. So far I am enjoying my hat. Hope you all are too!

Lord Atton