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Topic: GreenWorld Rom2 Hat back up

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Author: exc!ton (vladimir [dot] chebotarev [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 25-Jan-08, 20:43:33
why are you using hamachi, not dynamic dns, like DynDNS org or (OrgDNS org, dnspark com, namecheap com, dslreports com,
hn org, easydns com, zoneedit com)?

Dynamic DNS's are more convinient, they has clients for all OS'es and also there
are universal clients (for example, ddclient).

afaik, you can use both types of publishing your ip into web.

I has tried to join this network just now from my freeBSD, it's quite complicated and after all,
i can see machines in this network, but can't ping .74 (hat) and connect by 8000 port.

Does your provider forbids opened ports on your computer (no real IP, static or dynamic)?

I think there is no way to show status of hat hosting only in hamachi network,
if it has no real IP (even dynamic), because this service is hosting on freebsd, and later
will be hosted on traditional hosting on abstract linux, where i couldnt get administrator rights
to create new virtual interface using hamachi.
Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 24-Jan-08, 21:40:50
Looks like my provider didn't like me so the service was down It's back up! Sorry about that. I will be changing maps soon. Just to make things interesting.
Take care all,

Lord Atton