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Topic: GW Hat Communication

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Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 21-Jan-08, 22:30:25
If you need to get in touch with me the best way is by email at cosmclord@yahoo.com I am totally busy on Sundays and Mondays with band stuff and during the week recording. I do try to answer questions and make changes to accounts etc. when I am on. But until we are better situated with my band and working steady my on-line will be intermittent. I am giving thoughts of a better Hat with new maps given time. So what we might do is pass the hat around and have different Hats up and keep the fun rolling like we have been doing. This way we can enjoy the Rom2 game and hopefully Exlend will release his Rom2.25.

Lord Atton