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Topic: WTF!!!

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Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 14-Jan-08, 23:44:49
Just a humble suggestion for anyone who is currently (or may in future consider) hosting a HAT server....

Make regular backups of the /chr folder. These are all the account login files (organized in sub-folders by the first digit of the account name). I did this while I ran all of my HATs. I put all of the backup copies in a separate folder and renamed each backup to the date on which I had made the backup copy. I used to make my backups once a week, although these days with the much more rapid pace of the HATs, a more frequent backup is probably advisable, perhaps even daily.

The beauty is: these files are ultra small (so virtually no HD space requried) and you can individually restore anyone's account (should it become corrupted for any reason) back to the last un-corrupted backup without affecting anyone else's accounts at all. Basically, it's cheap insurance if you can just get yourself in the habit of doing it.
Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 10-Jan-08, 11:34:29
Yes this can happen although it is rare. While playing on various hats once in awhile the rom2 program dose not write back to the chr file. In other words it does not up date the files in the program. If this happens you can lose items or all in your chrs file. If your Provider has too many hops to the server your playing on the chance more likely to happen. The internet is not fool proof. Packets traveling to and from the server can get messed up or lost. In Rom2 this can be disasterious. My advice is to have several chrs and try to keep them at about the same level. I used a chr to Hold Armor and Robes so if my chr loses his items I am not naked. I can replace them. Also if you get special armor or robes you should get more than one set and give a spare set or two to your Holder chr.

Lord Atton
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 10-Jan-08, 03:37:19
i heard of a player who lost complete inventory -- all money too

he was shopping when map closed

when logged to hat again his character was with out armor

when inside new map his character had no thing in inventory

i do not know if is true -- but is scary
Author: Cowman8374 (spock [at] knology [dot] net)
Date: 10-Jan-08, 02:37:35
Thanks bb. Man this sucks [B]B@LL$[/b]. I'm gonna get on now and create a new 1. I sure hope this doesn't happen again.
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 10-Jan-08, 02:14:38
related to your "weird" post? that would be even weirder
i just checked and indeed your account is empty: no chars in it.
i have no idea how that can happen and there is not much i can do about it except helping you bringing back your char where it was (not the xp though)
Author: Cowman8374 (spock [at] knology [dot] net)
Date: 10-Jan-08, 01:27:59
Somehow my character got deleted. Maybe its related to my wierd post i dunno but 1 minute i was playing then i wanted to change map and i went to the church and it went straight to the main menue. Ok.... so i reconnected to the hat and it told me i had no characters. WTF i had just been playing on mine less than a min ago. Has any1 heard of this b4?