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Topic: Lineage 2 Server

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Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 27-Dec-07, 15:20:02
can imports ..would be ca would not tempt me more to squabble me ...

you can have your oppinion as all the people...
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 27-Dec-07, 14:56:19
if your is bad english then what is mine?
you keep read and write it -- as i do
you will improve -- as i will

in regard to lineage2 i have expressed my judgment for mere graphic

other aspects of the game i did not touch -- and may well be valid cool and addictive

after all it is lineage2 -- a sequel
it means that the first lineage had some thing worth the play -- likely is the same for lineage2

once again graphic is not all in a game :-)
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 27-Dec-07, 05:23:17
sorry for my bad english ...i probably bad to read ..i just want to peaople here test my server
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 26-Dec-07, 21:28:14
the comparisons i mention are graphic wise -- in terms of immersive 3d environments
i am not comparing game play or other aspects but only the graphic -- i do not understand why you tell me crazy

i did not say any thing about the forum -- i do not understand what you mean

perhaps you are angry?
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 26-Dec-07, 16:50:06
first :He doesnt have lineage 2 demo because is that a MMORPG ONLINE and you compare Lineage 2 with Ultima 9 ...Are you Crazy ....

let a chance to the other to express oneself and test the game instead of crituquer my forum .
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 26-Dec-07, 14:55:56
graphic of a game is not every thing -- i said it before

but if graphic is not believable the game do not get my interest

i am not saying it should be photo realistic -- no no
if things are missing i can imagine them or i can not care that they are missing

but in lineage2 i have to imagine all the details of the world
they claim it immersive 3d environment -- that is bull

what there is of immersive in moving on flat sahara desert high way on 1 january at 3 am?
even the snakes would be making sex at that time -- assuming snakes are present in lineage2 deserts -- assuming deserts are present in lineage2 -- but i guess so since they require emptyness to be believable

the flatness in lineage2 is immersive -- i will give it that

want to see true immersive 3d environments?
try Sacrifice -- old game of Shiny Entertainment
try Ultima 9 -- old game of Origin Systems

to play them at full glory you need maybe a computer that is one quarter as power full as your -- are old games i said

yet the over all quality of graphic and care for the world detail are light years ahead of lineage2 -- i invite you to seek screen shot or play demo
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 26-Dec-07, 11:49:17
my pic not have lot of brighless because when i start the server and the client and ii press print screen and i go to windows for make a pic , i lose the brightless i dont know why ...
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 26-Dec-07, 08:47:16
Play This game before Judging them graphics and tryed plays the then .
This plays are of the style of World Of World Craft and it is very

I detest this genus of person as you who criticizes without
knowing the cause and plays

You playing Rom2 if you post here ...check Rom2 is very old but i playing long time with my brother Goliath|The Blind but today it would be time to changing of plays graphically but with the same trains of
plays that is why I was inviting fond of games ancients who was playing with
has us rom2 on the server Lith.

JultKnight|The Blind
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 26-Dec-07, 08:46:30
Before Judging them graphics and tryed plays the then .
This plays are of the style of World Of World Craft and it is very

I detest this genus of person as you who criticizes without
knowing the cause and plays

You playing Rom2 if you post here ...check Rom2 is very old but i playing long time with my brother Goliath|The Blind but today it would be time to changing of plays graphically but with the same trains of
plays that is why I was inviting fond of games ancients who was playing with
has us rom2 on the server Lith.

JultKnight|The Blind
Author: the.gray.fox (the [dot] gray [dot] fox [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 25-Dec-07, 12:05:47
-- world is flat like a high way
-- world is empty like a desert high way
-- no flora
-- no fauna
-- characters have high polygon count
-- monsters have low polygon count
-- visual special effects are so so
-- no particle system in action
-- dynamic weather?
-- shadows?
-- dynamic lighting?

look like they spent all budget making characters look good -- at the sacrifice of every thing else

they call it rpg game where r stand for role
role playing games are expected to drag you into adventure and addict your senses to the gaming experience -- and you can not stop

graphic is not all in a game but it is expected to do its fair share to maintain you glued in front of video

every thing look too much out of place
one of the most poor use of 3d ever made

vote: 3.9 out of 10.0
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 24-Dec-07, 23:11:29
this game looks like rage of mage but in 3d

the menu of equipement look like rage of mage
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 24-Dec-07, 22:42:00
for information check into my web site and other info check into the general section into my web site


in my web site i have 2 language selection for this moment (english and french)
for soon i put russia language

configuration of my computer and server ::::


If you want to download Lineage 2 go to my web site

1=firts go to this section download bitlord anf after download the lineage torrent and open it with bitlord and begin to download lineage 2


2=Configuration of Client Server


have a nice game all into my mmorpg online
Author: resiu (subaru-zloto [at] wp [dot] pl)
Date: 13-Dec-07, 16:37:09
this in not forum "who play on game lineage 2 we need post on ROM2
Author: resiu (subaru-zloto [at] wp [dot] pl)
Date: 13-Dec-07, 16:36:48
this in not forum "who play on game lineage 2 we need post on ROM2
Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 13-Dec-07, 13:06:34
What is lineage 2? Is this a MMOROP? I'll see if I can find some info on it. How is your server organized?

Lord Atton
Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 11-Dec-07, 03:14:39
Who playing Lineage 2 ? i begin to run a server with free for all user if you want to playing ask me for information for the HOST File for begin to playing.
