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Topic: Gonna try to get a Hat up

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Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 27-Nov-07, 20:04:55
If you run into problems, just IM me @ kingkota666.hotmail.com I'll be glad to assist however I can.

And once you get it running, I want an account (or three).

Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 27-Nov-07, 11:41:01
To any players of Rom2
Gonna try to get my hat going later this week. Will probably have std maps til I can take the time to modify them. Try to get one of each up. Easy med hard and horror.
Let see if I remember how to do this. LOL

Lord Atton