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Topic: Sacks/Bags in map

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Author: Defiant (fireiceviper [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 25-Jul-24, 23:38:38
Yeah add them to monsters and add a value of 1 in the stats (not sure exactly what its called?)
Author: Pedro_Buttenbender (Pedro_buttenbender [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 15-May-24, 01:22:50
How can I make the bags/sacks I place on the ground in the map editor (bags that I created by putting money/items, and so on) appear? I read some time ago that it requires some modifications to the game because this feature is disabled.

I bought Rage of Mages 2 on GOG, so that's the version I'm using, and I'm playing in offline multiplayer mode