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Topic: Question about multi player

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Author: Zoif Mayer (ZoifRoif [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 13-Jul-10, 23:07:27
online with multiplayer
Author: Stone (Stone_FVS3 [at] live [dot] com)
Date: 12-Jul-10, 20:39:49
sow using ex-lends method how do you move it. under the main tab when you drag the chrs file onto the chr edit program there is a line labeled hat identifier I am assuming that you use that somehow to move it?
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 12-Jul-10, 20:15:32
To the question about getting a "mutiplayer" character onto a "HAT server", yes it can be done, but only the HAT admin can do it because you need access to the server files.

As to HOW, there is a brute force method which is cumbersome and very much a pain in the ass (but works) and there is the easy method which is to use Exlend's Account Editor utility (called CharEdit). You can download it from his home page. It's simple, easy to use, self-explanatory, and frankly an awesome tool. I wish I had that thing 8 years ago when I began hosting my HATs.


You'll see what I mean when you check it out for yourself.

Author: Stone (Stone_FVS3 [at] live [dot] com)
Date: 12-Jul-10, 05:35:21
as for the losing your gear when you die just go pick up the bag that is on the tile you died on, just like when a monster dies they drop bags (except a few) your chr drops his gear into a bag then after pressing space bar you can walk over and pick it up i don't think there is a way around that, unless you quickly Alt-F4 and quit the game before you die... and yes you do have to create a new chr. but it shouldn't rly be a problem bc the game is easy. unless you were just dying o have the one chr then there is probably a way to get the multiplayer chr into the hat, but i wouldnt know how
Author: Balazs (kocsis_balazs [at] vipmail [dot] hu)
Date: 06-Jul-10, 16:02:24
Hi all!It's me again.
After a small break i began to play and i have some question,hope you know the answers.
I began to play multiplayer alone and i1d like to ask if it is possible to save the character somehow?because every time i die i lose all of my stuff.
Second:it is possile to play with my character later on hat server games or i have to create a new one?
Thank you