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Topic: Hats

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Author: Aabi (aabi [at] bizth [dot] ag)
Date: 13-Jul-10, 23:10:36
Russian hat is good for cold ears! :))))


Author: Stone (Stone_FVS3 [at] live [dot] com)
Date: 17-Mar-10, 05:12:32
normally if you look around here. or any of these sites...http://allods.homeunix.org/index.php

or http://allods2.com/eng/reg (russian hat not really a friendly place by my experience)

once you get a hold of a host they wil tell you what to do after
Author: Darkelem/MyDoom (thehitmanbf1942 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 15-Mar-10, 04:09:03
I'm looking to play RoM 2 again, but seeing how many hats are up and how to get an account is rather confusing. Can anyone assist?