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Topic: Thanksgiving / Christmas HAT

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Author: Defiant (fireiceviper [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 01-Nov-09, 00:54:01
Offcourse i'll be there...

and perhaps i will even start it.

i'm working on a new idea for the hat. Since we dont have that many players left im trying to create a map that has is all :from easy to horror.

wich we can fix to an easy lvl offcourse..

i'm planning to change the map every couple of days with updates, you will see.. if i can finish it.

been kindof bussy but i will try.

updates coming soon.
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 30-Oct-09, 00:43:56
[b]If I could make a hat, I would keep it on as long as my computer is on.[/b]

If you're in control of your computer then it's you who decides if computer is on or off!?
Besides, one reason it would be better to have an event hat and thus for a limited time, is that more people would be enclined to play while there are other people to play with. Most of them have left rom2 long time ago and went different ways or games. Like me for instance. At the moment I'm playing Guild Wars. But I'd play a Christmas hat and go back to GW after that.
Author: bbKing (arsnova30 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 29-Oct-09, 18:47:09
[b]If I could make a hat, I would keep it on as long as my computer is on.[/b]

If you're in control of your computer then it's you who decides if computer is on or off!?
Besides, one reason it would be better to have an event hat and thus for a limited time, is that more people would be enclined to play while there are other people to play with. Most of them have left rom2 long time ago and went different ways or games. Like me for instance. At the moment I'm playing Guild Wars. But I'd play a Christmas hat and go back to GW after that.
Author: Stone (Stone_FVS3 [at] live [dot] com)
Date: 29-Oct-09, 00:27:03
yes why?
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 28-Oct-09, 22:43:18
And what is the reason you cannot make a HAT ???

Author: Anthony Hatcher (dragonlordanthony [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 28-Oct-09, 05:08:07
If I could make a hat, I would keep it on as long as my computer is on.
Author: Stone (Stone_FVS3 [at] live [dot] com)
Date: 28-Oct-09, 04:06:15
is christmas really the only time a hat is up?
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 27-Oct-09, 21:21:11
I am thinking of hosting a Christmas hat -like last year- something december 18 - januari 8. But it would run under Hamachi (and maybe it is possible to enter with my ISP IP, but that can change every day).
Author: richard (RichBart [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk)
Date: 27-Oct-09, 12:45:54
I'll play it 2.
Author: Anthony Hatcher (dragonlordanthony [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 27-Oct-09, 01:38:27
ill be there as well
Author: Stone (Stone_FVS3 [at] live [dot] com)
Date: 27-Oct-09, 00:47:05
if only hy 98 me computer hadnt lost its harddrive...

anyway ill be there for thanksgiving 2
Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 27-Oct-09, 00:45:53
If someone hosts....I'll be there playing.

If need be, I'd also be willing to help organize the HAT too.

Author: NOVA (KINGKOTA666 [at] HOTMAIL [dot] COM)
Date: 27-Oct-09, 00:44:29
In order to keep things organized, I decided to start a new post where people could announce their intention to play on any Thanksgiving or Christmas ROM2 HAT. That way, anyone who might be debating organizing/hosting such a HAT will at least know how much interest there is. So post your name under this thread. And add any comments/wishes you have for such a HAT.
