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Topic: Realm Crafter Software

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Author: Jultknight (jultknight [at] gmail [dot] com)
Date: 20-Jan-10, 10:22:37
Lord Atton ,on my home i have presently a p4 2.8 ghz with 1 gig of ram and ati radeaon 9200 128 and i can run realmcrafter perfectly.

He have lot severals version on realmcrafter.Latest full version i have find it and can run perflectly for free as 1.8.3 .You can build a game with the editor map and the engine include on the software and editing a c++ script look like nwnt and compile it to .exe file with other file name.

He are with lot tileset and you can create your own tileset with 3DSMAX and import him on your own game.Very interst software and complex.

I have the latest version 2.2 but i must have a licensed for running this version :(

Very soon i want to buy a license and after i can access to update and i can sell my game or published my game

I can help you to learn how work Realmcrafter and i can send a link for the version 1.8.3 Full

Author: Lord Atton (cosmclord [at] yahoo [dot] com)
Date: 13-Oct-09, 05:42:37

I got the url for Realm Crafters and down loaded the Demo program. It is interesting. I can't run the sample program on my 3.4g machine. Going to try on my other quad computer.

It has potential. I sent two emails to Realm Crafter. We will see what they say. Looks like it was designed for non programmers. You still have access to the scripts if you like to code.

I want to see how it works. There are several versions. Even a commercial license if you wish to sell your game.

Have you investigated this software?

Lord Atton