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Topic: Question?

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Author: Epslion (unknownshinobi155 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 30-Dec-08, 22:37:11
I have everything ready and setup now, But when i try to connect to it, it tells me "[B]Password has been rejected[/B]" Why, Any help would be nice :(
Author: Epslion (unknownshinobi155 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 30-Dec-08, 19:42:59
Alright. Thank you. ^^
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 30-Dec-08, 19:37:17
Simply use the mail adress next to the forum nickname. For Atton and Jult, just read around until you find their posts to learn their mail.
Author: Epslion (unknownshinobi155 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 30-Dec-08, 18:11:41
Alright I will do so, but ummm... where do i mail you at? ^^;; Sorry for the questions.
Author: Albadaran (simondekker [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 30-Dec-08, 16:02:08
Patch for multiplayer: you can download it here: ROM2pack: http://actathia.com/rom2/files/rom2pack.rar

For Hamachi you need to join a Hamachi network: Greenworld, with the password: greenfire

Next you will need an account on one of the rom2 hats: Atton’s hat, Jult's or mine. Mail us if you like to join.
Author: Epslion (unknownshinobi155 [at] hotmail [dot] com)
Date: 30-Dec-08, 13:20:59
Hello i am new to this game as i forgot about it since it was stored away, i refound it and got back into the game and only just now found out about "Hat servers" i was wondering how does one get one or join one of the servers sorry for taking your time didnt know it was around still and would like to know more about them really. Thank you again for taking your time and reading this, hope to see some replys or helpful hints anyway. :)